Perfect Vegan Snack!


Easy and delicious!
Just put in the microwave a few pieces of raw dark cholocolste for dessert with a bit of almond milk and let it melt. Toast bread, cover it with melted chocolate. Cup up some peanuts and add them as topping.

The hour of worries


What can we do when we are all day worrying, overthinking and stressing out??


We will find 15 minutes of the day to think and talk and think about all the things that worry us,

No interruptions, just worries for 15 minutes! Blow off steam!

The rest of the day…well we have to accept that we can feel nervous and anxious, but dont let it be the foccuss of our life.

Use your 15 minutes to draw your worry, tear it up, burn it…whatever you want, but take it out of you, you are not your worries, you are a person who is worried about some things that all.

Breath in, breath out, everything is gonna be ok.

Juice Cleanse: Day 2 (Lunch)

Since I’m having the same menu everyday of the cleanse today I’m gonna share what I’m having for lunch time!

Gazpacho and Zuccini & Spinach Puree!


I did a lot to keep it for the 3 days so this is what you use for just 1 day:

– 4 Tomates

– 1 Small Red Pepper

– 1 Cucumber

– 1/4 Onion

– 1 Garlic clove (small one)

– 1 tea spoon of olive oil

– 1 tea spoon of vinegar

– Salt&Pepper

Zuccini & Spinach Puree:

– 2 Zuccini

– 1/2 Onion

– 1 Garlic clove

– 1 Potatoe

– 2 cups of Spinach

– Salt/Pepper/Thyme

(Stir fry the garlic and onion in the stewpan, add the zuccinis, leek and potatoe peeled and cut, add water till you almost cover all the ingridients, add salt, pepper & thyme, let it boil. When its almost ready add the spinachs and let it boil 2 more minutes, blend and enjoy 🙂 )

JUICE CLEANSE: Day 1 (Morning)

Sooo here are the recipes for breakfast and morning snack juices!


I started my day with Hot water & Lemon and a Moroccan Green Tea, and the Sunrise juice!


Sunrise Juice:

– 3 Carrots

– 2 Apples

(straight to the juicer)

I prepared the morning snack juice before leaving so I could have it during my internship, so here is the recipe for my Energetic Green Juice!


Energetic Green Juice:

– 1 Cucumber

– 4 Celery stalks

– 2 Apples

– 1/2 Lemon

– 1 Banana

– 2 cups Spinach

(Put the cucumber, celery, apples & lemon in the juicer, then pour the juice into the blender with the banana and the spinachs and blend! Sooo tasty!!)

This is how my first cleanse day is going! Feeling a bit hungry right now but will have my lunch juice soon!

Comming back to routine after traveling!


I have been out for a while but I’m back!

Just had an amazing week in Prague followed by lots of work and stress.

Now its time to recover from all the stress and be present.

So I decided its time for a juice cleanse!! Starting today!! I will be uploading the juices recipes during the next 3 days of the cleanse!

Ooooh I miss Prague so much! Love traveling and more with excelent company!

Last Day of the Year = New Things


So last night I bought the Lower Body Program from @fitaffinitygirls !!

Therefore I’m starting the complete 12 weeks program today!
What a perfect way to move from one year to another!
This way I close a great 2014 year active and leaving back the vagrancy that has dominated me these days, and I start the new year full of energy and lots of purposes to achieve: travel, learn, LOVE, experience new things, keep going with my new vegan status, do something to help others….
So many things! I keep going with my Wish Pannel!